Tuesday, August 30, 2016

May I introduce you to one of my ongoing WIPs: Henry!

I always call it Henry because, well, he's kind of the center of it. Even though I'm stitching this more because I love the ladies' dresses and actually stitching him was a giant pain. While I was working on him I kept telling everybody that it was annoying he was so fat because it was taking so long to finish!

Henry is a DMC kit that mostly seems to only be available from UK shops like sewandso. I got mine from eBay for something like $30? I don't remember. I fell in love with it and I bought it and I got the pattern and it is MASSIVE (it's just one big sheet of paper). My biggest complaint about the kit is that the fabric is probably a teensy bit too small. I counted it out and math tells me it will fit, but there won't be much of a border and framing might be complicated. But we'll cross that bridge when we come to it!

As you can see, I have completed Henry, Jane Seymour (in the blue) and Anne Boleyn. All three of them have blank spots (Henry's chain thingy, the square on Jane's dress, the border of Anne's headdress) because there are going to be beads there. The border of Anne's headdress is actually meant to be French knots, but I know I can't do that many consistent French knots, so I'm going to use white seed beads instead.

Also Henry's legs need to be backstitched. That's a long story. I don't want to talk about it.

Stay tuned for Katherine of Aragon! Her dress is gorgeous. I'm very excited.

Monday, August 29, 2016

Welcome to my first blog post, and my third finish of the year!

This is Jardin Prive's Quaker de Normandie. I started it in July when I flew to California; I was looking for something relatively simple to stitch on the plane and this one only has 6 colors. It's all just the called-for DMC on white eavenweave. 
Plane stitching? A challenge, I think. I was sitting next to my sister so I wasn't super worried about elbowing her (she's my younger sister, what can I say) but we had turbulence and I did manage to spill diet coke all over myself. I mostly kept the Q-snap out of it, but sacrificed myself to save it. What can you do.
Some parts of this were super repetitive, but I did enjoy it. I spent most of Stranger Things on Netflix stitching the blue skirt, which was perfect for the amount of concentration that show required.

Current plan is to frame this (myself!) and hang it somewhere in my apartment. One day I'll do Jardin Prive's Quaker de Bretagne and put them side-by-side. I've spent a bit of time in both Normandy and Brittany, but I started with Normandy because of the cheese. I love Camembert.